Vote for PirateCraft

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Players11 / 50
VersionMinecraft 1.17
Game Rank#42
Global Rank#42
Last Ping38 minutes ago
CountryUnited Kingdom Servers United Kingdom


Welcome to PirateCraft - Set Sail on an Epic Adventure!

Ahoy there! Get ready to immerse yourself in a thrilling pirate-themed Minecraft survival experience like no other. Join our vibrant community and become part of the PirateCraft family. With over 5 years of history, we've created a tight-knit community that feels like a wonderful family.

At PirateCraft, we believe in providing a unique and permanent map that never gets reset. Your builds and progress are valuable to us, and they'll be kept safe and protected. You can take a break for months or even years and come back to continue your journey right where you left off. Imagine the excitement of returning after a long hiatus and finding your empire waiting for you!

But fear not, the world of PirateCraft never gets stale. Our dedicated staff team regenerates land and abandoned claims over time, ensuring a fresh and clean environment for new adventures. If you ever need specific areas to be cleared or regenerated, simply reach out to our staff, and they'll handle it for you.

Here at PirateCraft, we believe in player autonomy. Our staff members act as guardians, intervening only when asked. You're free to chart your own course, whether as a solitary pirate or a mighty empire builder. Forge alliances, engage in epic battles, and create your own pirate legacy.

Immerse yourself in our rich history, documented over the years on our comprehensive Wiki. Discover tales of daring sea battles, legendary pirates, and the rise and fall of empires. The PirateCraft Timeline will captivate your imagination and inspire you to create your own stories of adventure.

Join our lively community and explore our numerous resources to get started. Visit our website, browse our rules, check out the live map, and delve into detailed guides. Our dedicated Discord server is the perfect place to connect with fellow pirates, share stories, and seek assistance.

Connect to our server at and set sail on an epic adventure. Claim your place on the high seas, build your own pirate haven, and become a legend in the world of PirateCraft.

Don't wait any longer, matey! Visit our website at and join our Discord community at Explore the vast seas, unleash your inner pirate, and create memories that will last a lifetime.

Fair winds and following seas await you at PirateCraft!